Table of contents
Getting started
Other resources
Alternative and complementary healthcare includes a wide variety of services. Before opening your business, consider the types of services you will provide.
Some common alternative and complementary healthcare services are:
- Acupuncture
- Aromatherapy
- Chiropractic
- Homeopathic medicine
- Massage Therapy
- Naturopathic medicine
- Natural health products (such as herbal remedies, and traditional medicine)
- Reflexology
- Reiki
- Therapeutic Touch
This guide will give you an overview of the requirements for starting your business.
Getting started
Some common licences, permits and regulations that may apply to starting your business include:
Food and drug regulations
Many alternative and complementary healthcare products, such as alternative medications and chiropractic devices, are regulated by Health Canada through the Food and Drugs Act. Learn more about how the Act may affect your business.
Contact Health Canada:
Health Canada
Some of the most common Health Canada regulations that may apply to your business include:
Cosmetic products
If your services include the use or sale of cosmetics products, including soaps, deodorants, perfumes and creams, you need to be aware of requirements for manufacturing, labelling, distributing and selling these products.
Read online:
Regulatory information for cosmetics
If you will be producing and selling your own alternative cosmetic products, learn more about the ingredient labelling standards.
Read online:
Industry Guide for the labelling of cosmetics
Natural health product regulations
Find out what is required to manufacture or sell natural health products, such as:
- Probiotics
- Herbal remedies
- Vitamins and minerals
- Homeopathic medicines
- Traditional medicines such as traditional Chinese medicines
- Other products like amino acids and essential fatty acids
Read online:
Natural health products
Medical devices regulations
When you use medical devices in your business, make sure that they are authorized for use in Canada and meet Health Canada’s safety and quality regulations.
Read online:
Medical devices
Health product advertising
You may only advertise drug and health products that have been approved for sale in Canada and your advertisement must be approved.
Read online:
Regulatory requirements for advertising
Infection prevention and control
If you will be providing personal services, contact Public Health Ontario for resources on preventing infection.
Read online:
Public Health Ontario - Infection Prevention and Control
Certification and training
You may need formal certification and training to provide alternative and complementary healthcare services. Make sure that you are aware of the requirements that apply to the type of services you plan to offer.
Some alternative healthcare professionals are licensed or registered with a sector-specific college. For information on certification and training, contact the appropriate association for details.
You can find a list of regulatory bodies for the health sector on the Ministry of Health website.
Read online:
Regulated Health Professions
Physician Assistants
If you will be working with or hiring Physician Assistants, they must be registered with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO).
You can find more information on the requirements for Physician Assistants on the CPSO website.
Read online:
Physician Assistants (PAs)
Other resources
- Health Canada guidance documents
- Next steps on the self-care products initiative
- Illegal marketing of drugs and devices
- MedEffect Canada
- Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
- Organic products
- COVID-19 Disinfectants and sanitizers
- CPSO - Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Health Care and Social Assistance (NAICS 62): Ontario
- Other Services (except public administration) (NAICS 81): Ontario