Employer subsidies, rebates and tax credits

Table of contents

Wage subsidies
Tax credits
Other resources


Hiring employees is often an essential part of operating a business. Whether you need a full-time employee or an extra person to help you during a busy season, this guide will give you an overview of programs that are available in Ontario. You may also be eligible for rebates if you meet certain conditions.

There are wage subsidies and tax credits for different types of hiring, including:

  • Internships
  • Apprenticeships
  • Youth employment
  • Summer employment

For information on general business financing in Ontario, see our Financing a business guide.

You should also learn about the rules and regulations for hiring employees. See our guide on Employment regulations: Hiring for more information.

Wage subsidies

A wage subsidy is a type of funding that helps cover part of an employee’s wage for a specific amount of time. Some of the wage subsidies that are available in Ontario include:

Canada-Ontario Job Grant

If you are an employer, you could get a grant to cover 50% to 100% of the costs of training for your employees. The maximum you may receive is $10,000 per trainee.

Examples of eligible costs:

  • Tuition and examination fees
  • Textbooks, software and other required materials

You need to:

  • Contribute between 1/6 and 1/2 of the training costs
  • Use a third-party trainer

Other conditions apply.

Read online:
Canada-Ontario Job Grant

FedNor youth internships

If you are interested in hiring a youth intern in Northern Ontario, you may be eligible for funding to help with salary, employee benefits, and equipment and training costs. The program offers up to $40,000 for small and medium-sized enterprises and $57,500 for not-for-profit organizations.

To qualify you must:

  • Operate a small business in Northern Ontario
  • Hire an unemployed or underemployed youth (aged 30 and under)
  • Provide a work plan and mentoring/supervision
  • Have a project not related to the ongoing and regular activities of your organization
  • Be able to provide full-time work on the project 

Other conditions apply.

Read online:
Youth internships in Northern Ontario

Housing Internship for Indigenous Youth

If you offer housing-related work experience and on-the-job training to Indigenous youth between the ages of 15-30, you may be eligible for financial support through the Housing Internship for Indigenous Youth program.

Read online:
Housing Internship for Indigenous Youth

Student Work Placement Program

You may be eligible for a wage subsidy from $5,000 to $7,000 to hire post-secondary students. Student work placement activities can include, but are not limited to:

  • Mentorship programs
  • Co-op placements
  • Internships

Read online:
Find wage subsidies to hire post-secondary students

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

If you can provide supervision and a training structure in the skilled trades, you could be matched with a pre-screened apprentice.

Contact the Employment Ontario Contact Centre:
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS)

The Youth Employment and Skills Strategy is made up of programs designed to make it easier for employers to hire a young person or recent graduate. Each program offers different supports to help you find - or offset the costs of - recruiting or training a new student or summer employee.

Search database
Youth Employment and Skills Strategy – Funding programs


YESS includes the following programs:

Young Canada Works

If you want to hire a young graduate for the summer, you may be able to benefit from Young Canada Works. This program matches new secondary and post-secondary graduates seeking work with prospective employers, such as:

  • Heritage organizations
  • Businesses working in both official languages

Read online:
Young Canada Works

Canada Summer Jobs

Get help finding a summer employee and learn about wage subsidies that are available when you hire a student between the ages of 15 and 30. Eligible businesses include not-for-profit organizations, the public sector and private businesses with fewer than 50 employees.

Read online:
Canada Summer Jobs


Health and Safety Excellence program

You may be eligible for rebates on your WSIB premiums when you work with an approved provider to develop a health and safety action plan. Fees will apply based on your needs.

The program includes: 

  • Access to a WSIB-approved program provider
  • Support services based on your industry and region
  • Help towards completing your workplace safety plan

As a small business with 1 to 99 full-time employees you could earn double the rebate towards your health and safety plan if you sign up before the end of 2024. Speak with WSIB directly or consult the list of approved providers on their website to learn more.

Contact WSIB:
Health and Safety Excellence program

Tax credits

A tax credit generally allows you to claim back an amount or percentage of the money you spent on certain activities when you file your income tax return. Tax credits for employers include:

Apprenticeship job creation tax credit

If you hire an apprentice to work in a Red Seal Trade, you may qualify for a tax credit to cover 10% of their salary and wages up to a maximum of $2,000 per year.

Read online:
Apprenticeship job creation tax credit

Co-operative education tax credit

You may be eligible for a tax credit of up to $3,000 when you hire a student enrolled in a co-operative education program. Other requirements include:

  • Paying the student for their work
  • Supervising and evaluating the student’s job performance
  • Providing a co-op placement for a period of at least 10 consecutive weeks or providing an internship program placement for 8 to 16 consecutive months

Read online:
Co-operative education tax credit

Other resources

Employment service

Contact Employment Ontario to find out about programs to help you attract and recruit new employees. You may also be eligible for funding to help cover the costs of training your new employees.

Read online:
Employment services

Employment and Social Development Canada grants and contributions programs

Employment and Social Development Canada offer grants and contributions programs to help support jobs and training.

Read online:
Funding programs for jobs, training, and social development projects

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