Table of contents
Training and mentorship
Other resources
As an entrepreneur, your ideas help shape the business landscape in Ontario. From small, independently-run businesses to high-tech corporations, women entrepreneurs are making their mark on the economy. This guide will provide you with links and resources for your business.
You can also read our Starting a business guide for information on the requirements for starting a new business in Ontario.
If you would like to learn how the federal government promotes the participation of women in the economic, social and democratic life of Canada, contact Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE).
Contact WAGE:
Women and Gender Equality Canada
Women Entrepreneurship Loan Fund
If you are woman entrepreneur, you may qualify for a loan of up to $50,000 to help start or grow your business. The program aims to support start-ups, underrepresented groups and sole-proprietorships who may experience more difficulty in accessing financing.
For more information or to find your nearest service provider refer to the link below. Use the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page to find Service providers by province or territory.
Read online:
Women Entrepreneurship Loan Fund
BDC venture capital funding
Women-led technology companies may be eligible for pre-launch seed funding or equity investments. Your business needs to:
- Be Canadian
- Show strong growth and scalable market potential
- Be ready for growth or global expansion
BDC offers the following funding:
Contact BDC:
Women in the export trade
Canadian women-owned and -led businesses interested in exporting may be able to get financial support and services to help reduce the risks for exporting to other countries.
Services include:
- EDC Inclusive Trade Investments Program
- EDC Select Credit Insurance
- EDC International Finance Direct
- EDC Export Guarantee program
- EDC Company InSight
Contact EDC:
Women in Trade
Funding for women and gender equality
If you are planning a project that will have a direct impact on women in your community, you may be eligible for funding from Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE).
Contact WAGE:
Funding for women and gender equality
PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise
You can contact the PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise for information on training programs, peer-to-peer lending and financing options that are available to women entrepreneurs.
Contact PARO:
PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise
DELIA Microloans
If your for-profit business is over 50% women-owned, or you are a woman sole-proprietor in southern Ontario, you may be eligible for a microloan of $15,000 up to $50,000.
DELIA aims to support women-identified and gender non-binary entrepreneurs and prioritizes diverse, intersectional and under-served women entrepreneurs, including: Indigenous women, women in rural or remote regions, racialized women, newcomer women, LGBTQ2 and women with disabilities.
Contact DELIA:
DELIA Microloans
Training and mentorship
Skills, knowledge, and networking are keys to running a successful business. Training and mentorship programs can give you hands-on experience in the field and put you in contact with other women entrepreneurs. The following resources provide information on mentorship and training programs for women in business.
Investing in Women's Futures
Contact the Office of Women's Social and Economic Opportunity to find out about programs and centres where you can access entrepreneurial training and other community services.
Contact Office of Women's Social and Economic Opportunity:
Programs for women’s economic empowerment and financial security
Business Women in International Trade (BWIT)
If your business exports goods, you can get information and resources on international trade from the BWIT program, which is offered through the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service.
Contact BWIT:
Business Women in International Trade
PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise
If your business is in Northern Ontario, contact the PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise for information on skills training and peer-to-peer lending programs for women entrepreneurs.
Contact PARO:
PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise
As a woman entrepreneur with an established and profitable business, you may be able to get information and resources to expand into national or international markets. Information and resources may include: workshops, one-on-one mentoring, peer group support, access to subject matter experts in business, introductions to legal experts and a network of industry professionals. Programs welcome Southern Ontario incorporated for-profit businesses, registered non-profits or social enterprises looking to grow rapidly.
Learn more about eligibility requirements and application deadlines for the ELLA programs:
- ELLA Express (for start-up businesses)
Contact ELLAwomen:
You may be able to access business supports like mentorship, peer-to-peer networking and insights on accessing capital and marketing for your women-led, for-profit business or social enterprise. The programs offer help whether you have a service or product focus or are envisioning a local, regional or global reach. To be eligible, you should have a business located in Southern Ontario and able to commit to scheduled meetings.
Learn more about eligibility requirements and application deadlines for the Rhyze programs:
Contact Boundless Accelerator (formerly Innovation Guelph):
Women in Leadership Foundation (WIL)
The WIL online platform aims to help women develop their leadership skills and connect with local business women.
You can find resources such as:
- Career development
- Mentorship
- Building an inclusive and diverse workplace
- Speakers' series
- Networking
- Events
Contact your local WIL chapter:
WIL chapters
Other resources
Industry-specific links
- The Forum
- Rotman Initiative for Women in Business
- Women in Leadership Foundation
- Women in Capital Markets
- Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH)