Table of contents
Save energy
Reduce waste
Other resources
Many business owners look for ways to reduce their energy costs and minimize their impact on the environment. You can make small changes in your business to promote a healthier planet. This guide provides tips and resources to help you make your business a greener one.
Save energy
Using less energy can cut down on your energy costs and lower greenhouse gas emissions. You can take these simple steps to cut down on your energy use:
- Use electricity at off-peak times: Smart meters and time-of-use pricing can save you money. Energy at mid- and off-peak hours may cost less.
- Generate your own power with wind, solar, water, bioenergy or other renewable energy sources: Net metering shared with your community might help lower your bill.
- Switch to Tiered electricity prices: Tiered prices may suit your business best.
- Unplug electronics that you aren’t using: Computers, photocopiers and other electronic products use small amounts of energy when they are plugged in. Use a power bar to make it easier to turn them off.
- Choose energy-efficient products: ENERGY STAR® appliances and compact fluorescent light bulbs use less electricity. Using energy-efficient products will lower your energy costs.
- Train your staff to conserve energy: Talk to your staff about saving energy and create a plan that includes temperature control and proper lighting.
Programs, incentives and rebates
There are incentives and rewards for businesses that cut down on their energy use, including:
Save on energy
You may be eligible for energy savings or free products to help your small business save electricity. Current programs include:
- Small business program
Offers up to $2,000 in energy efficient lighting upgrades and up to $2,500 for other equipment upgrades for qualifying businesses.
- Retrofit program
Provides incentives for replacing inefficient equipment with energy efficient equipment.
Incentive programs search
Find energy efficiency and alternative energy programs offered by various levels of government, electric and gas utilities on Natural Resources Canada’s website.
Use online:
Main Directory of Energy Efficiency and Alternative Energy Programs in Canada
You can use the Ministry of Energy’s website to search for additional incentive programs to help you lower your energy use.
Read online:
Manage energy costs for your business
Reduce waste
You may be able to lower your business supply costs and help the environment by cutting down on the amount of waste your business creates.
Examples of common office waste are:
- Paper
- Staples and paper clips
- Toner and printer cartridges
Some easy steps you can take to reduce your office waste are:
- Use email and computer documents instead of printing
- Switch to recycled or reusable office products
- Recycle as many items as possible
- Use less paper by printing on both sides of the page
For information on pollution and waste prevention, visit the Environment and Climate Change Canada website.
Read online:
Pollution prevention
Electronic waste
When new technology replaces old technology, you are left with unused computers, laptops, cell phones, tablets and photocopiers. You can reduce the amount of electronic waste that ends up in landfills by recycling and re-using your electronics.
Learn more about recycling electronic waste from the Ontario Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA).
Contact RPRA:
Electrical and electronic equipment
Hazardous materials and chemical waste
If your business works with chemicals or hazardous materials, there are environmentally responsible ways to dispose of them. Many municipalities have disposal centres and programs to help you understand when and where to dispose of these products. Visit the Association of Municipalities of Ontario website for a list of municipalities.
Read online:
Association of Municipalities of Ontario
You can also refer to the Ontario Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority's (RPRA) website for more information on some of the hazardous or special waste products that can be recycled in Ontario.
Read online:
Hazardous and special products
Other resources
You may be interested in the following resources on waste reduction and energy efficiency.